Anna In LA

Exercise and Food Diary

Monday, February 2, 2009

Oh yeah, and something horrible happened at the engagement dinner

Exercise: bike to and from work (3 mi.), 30 mins. elliptical, 15 minutes treadmill (woo hoo!), 3 sets each bench, chest curl, shoulder lift, and lat pulls.

Breakfast: Maple syrup and brown sugar oatmeal packet (with extra fiber!), milk, 2 packs raisins.

Lunch: Can of soup! Chicken and corn chowder, half an avo, diet coke

Snacks: Trail mix, banana

Dinner: The ultimate sad (filipino) single lady dinner - fried garlic rice and a chopped up hotdog. Green tea. Get ready to read the saddest thing ever: while I was eating I touched my bangs and felt that I had accidentally gotten some hotdog grease in it. So I dipped my fingertips into my hot tea and then smoothed out my hair with the water.

I forgot to mention one horrible thing about our engagement night! We went to the lovely Crustacean, but we were seated right up against another couple. We were separated by a rail, but they were elevated on a short stage right beside us. This, no joke, is an exact transcript of this awful couple:

Man: Don't you just wish you could be one of those boys, you know, those boys who got touched by a priest? You grow up and then you've got millions of dollars coming your way in a lawsuit.

Woman: How dare you say that! How dare you say that to me, knowing what happened to me when I was a little girl! I told you, I told you that time about when I was small and then I visited my neighbor and he took off his pants and exposed himself...

[continues trivial but obviously traumatic story for 5 minutes]

Man: You're overreacting. How does that have any effect on you now?

Woman: You just have no idea...

Blah blah blah. They just went on and on, so loud about what molestation is, the perils of organized religion, insensitivity, etc. And they weren't even eating anything! Just having flight after flight of wine tastings.

Oy! Like the last thing they needed was more alcohol.


Blogger Apellido Aurum said...

God will shoot lightning bolts toward his package one day

February 2, 2009 at 10:40 PM  
Blogger Donna said...

that guy is a piece of work.

February 3, 2009 at 11:19 AM  

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